Wednesday, December 15, 2010

5 Minutes

Prompt of the day: 5 minutes - Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.

o_O again.

Allow me to set an imaginary timer, as I am not in a location particularly prone to setting alarms, go figure.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!

The email confirming I was accepted on the YTT: I was off sick that day, needless to say it made my day.
Exams for my business course, the feeling of being a student, and graduating.
A yoga weekend in London in May.
The night of Earth Hour.
Another yoga weekend in London in July with my YTT teacher.
The trip to Tokyo, a dream come true.
Whole Foods London (yeah I know...).
The YTT weekends.
The trip to Montreal, kind of a "let's do it" idea, the colours of the Parc Mont-Royal.
The writing.
The gut-wrenching fears, the painful and joyful path leading me to where I am now.
The support.
The love.

You know what? I'll take everything.


  1. I'll take everything too, it's all good. Awesome in fact.

  2. I actually loved this prompt- 5 minutes of cramming all my best memories in. :)

  3. 2010... I would name it the "Year when dreams come true"...
    With all its difficulties and all the beautiful moments.
    Travels, discovery of a new country in the world, discovery of a new culture, growing of my spiritual comprehension, all the incredible people I met, good health and the luck...
    I would also remember all the dificulties that made me grow...
